May God please Bless our Troops.
Guide Our Missionaries. Comfort their Families

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jason my Best Friend and Honey. We like to laugh and be silly, play golf (cards), watch movies go on dates and to cut it short we just love to be with each other.

My Daddie is my special pal, I think of him each day. It's nice to see his goofy smile it brings me joy in many ways.

This picture of my older Sis reminds me of when we were young and we were being silly on the decons bench. It's good to see Jen silly.

I did not do it? Peek - a - Boo? Where is Waldo? Jan can I say I love you and you are so funny!

To: My children, family, friends, strangers and my Tall man. I love you!
Our Jackson-Gray 5
Buttercup, Pockets, T-Mak, Berrit and M

Miss Daisy, daughter of Miss Tibbie

Miss Tibbie

Ginger Bread Cookie, Miss Emmie's gift from Santa. She is now potty trained. Loves to chew and listen to my music on the turntable. Favorite thing is the Swiffer duster hand wand fluff. Odd

Jason: good looking, loves the snow, he shoveled the snow pile that the kids are sitting on. loves me!

My Magical Snow!

I have always loved snow. It was a gift for me to go home for Christmas and have it snow. The snow has always been little white treasures from heaven for me. It always reminds me of my Mothers Christmas cabin, running from the old french doors barefoot around a tree and back, Orange Snow slush, my Father building a fire in the basement long ago and much more. My memories are so treasured.

My nephews and niece had played with me in the snow. It was fabulous. I got to learn a lot about these tater tots more just by hanging out with them in their environment. A few of the kids did not know the true way of building a snowman. There is an art to this. Ya sure whatever, anyways Uncle Jason sure helped out. There would have been no way we could have lifted those big - o - snow ball body pieces and put them together. Thank you Uncle Jason and thank you kiddies for playing. Emily should have been in this picture but she went inside f.or a warm up and coca.

My Magical Snow!!!

KENLY: good aim great climber and fast runner. Makes great ice snow balls! ouch

Tim: good aim, sneaky quick, silent runner and his special trait was Silent Surprise bombs in face!

Brenton: master of the snow, quick to throw, long and short range, his plus was sliding on the snow like ice as he flew the ball in the air. He was everywhere.

Miss Emily: She made a snow angel before I got my camera. Sorry. Emily fluffed snow in the air at anyone who came near her. But she was aiming towards her Auntie Jill like the rest of the crew. Her speciality was screaming. I always knew where she was.

Miss Auntie Jill: Crazy dresser, bad snowball thrower, fan of the snow, crazy for my nephews and nieces. Thanks for playing with me. Auntie Jill loves you!