May God please Bless our Troops.
Guide Our Missionaries. Comfort their Families

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I hope everyone is doing good out there. I wanted to share a favorite picture of Christ that always makes me feel closer to him. This picture seems so real for me. I get a warm feeling when I feel my Savior near. How I want to be like him, to serve and to be kind. I think we all have that desire to to good and better. I think at times we need a visual to boost us into gear. Well I guess what I'm saying is that this picture has been my boost it is the picture I take out or pull up when Im in need of comfort. It's a Bookmark in my scriptures.. It's a reminder that I'm just a girl, a daughter of God trying to get back to him and handling the trials given to her the best that I know how. I know that Christ lives, he is my brother my Savior and my Friend. I know that I can call on him and my Father in Heaven in prayer anytime for anything and feel peace and comfort. I have felt it. He answers prayers. Not when you want them answered but in his time. But he does answer.
Patients is a talent my friends and family. If you have been blessed by this please cherish is and use it. I have had to acquire it and practice it. I've done well. It is hard to pick up on a new thing that is not of your own natural function and natural talent. But you can do it, whatever it may be. Set your mind to it and practice. Ive had to think of it as Piano practice. Just 30 minutes daily and walla victory! Don't be sloppy like with potty training kids or puppies and stick them outside or put a pull up on them just to go on break. Whatever your improvement is needs practice. Mine is patience and physical fitness. I never take the time for that like I should. It's now like piano practice to me. Just wanting to share my thoughts of my morning with yawl. Have a great Easter and Hop in gear!