May God please Bless our Troops.
Guide Our Missionaries. Comfort their Families

Monday, October 6, 2008

its time

Well my dear family and friends, It's 3 a.m and I'm wide awake. So I thought I'd try and figure this out on my own. I could be writing for sport and nothing will get saved and this will be just a passing of an evening or should I say morning to get to the morning of rush rush out the door to work and school that really my husband and kids handle without me very well. I just seem to sleep right through it. I always tell my kiddies kiss my eyelids and I'm awake. Soft whispers of I love youz do the trick too. They prefer me in bed silent I think. just as well. We all know I'm bot a morning gal anyways even though I try every night with goal to be and wake very disappointed. All I can say is that I have a great Clan!


Julz said...

I am so happy to see your blog with another post. Ha Ha... we love you and your little family and I hope I get to see more posts about the gray clan. even if it is 3:00 in the morning and there is not pictures to go with it ( wink wink ). Hope all is well and I love you :)