May God please Bless our Troops.
Guide Our Missionaries. Comfort their Families

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Poopin Chickins

Grandma found some fabulous little treats that she just could not pass up at Wally World. Easter section Clerence these chicks and bunnies that poop out gum and even jellybeans for a refill. It was a riot in the house.

Everyone got into them. Tanner was a bit unsure why they made a thing like that which I thought was so funny because he is always thinking of industrial inventions and Etc. But he really did have fun after he started filling it up.

There goes the family and the Chicks and Bunnies just a Poopin out candy left and right. And y'all thought you've seen it all. Nope Grandma brought more life in the hope and I have a request on the grocery list for jelly beans to fill the Chickens. Thanks Grandma! The kids Love them.