May God please Bless our Troops.
Guide Our Missionaries. Comfort their Families

Friday, May 1, 2009

Strawberry Pickin and Jam Makin in The South!

Once a year we take the kids to a local strawberry patch to gather berries. This is a new tradition for us. This would be our 2nd time doing this and it is so fun. Miss Sofie is sampling one to make sure they are ready to be picked. Amber is digging for the big ones and Emmie is counting hers. Miss Emmie decided that she needed a little working treat to help her continue with her Berrie pickins. She is so cute. This apron she help me make for her project in school. She was a Chef and this was part of her costume.

Momma Leean was having a splendid time gathering strawberries herself. She sampled a few and gave hers to Miss Emmie. She made the girls little slip up dresses which they are sporting here aprons covering to keep them clean.

Jason and the girls filling up there baskets to finish up the day. Lets call it a day and go home. They were being to picky with their berries. So we just finished them ourselves.

The boys were every where. All over the fields. How do you all like the grandma garden fanny? that person is not related to us just so you all know. I so believe the boys had the tastiest berries however. Good work Young men.
When we got home Momma Leean and I started in on all those berries. She dug out the green stems and washed them and I cut them and froze what needed to be froze and then we started to make frozen jam. Yea she taught me how to make jam. and can I tell you it is so much better than store jam. I don't think I'll ever go back to store jam. Thank you so much for spending the time with me in the kitchen. I sure wish You could have taken some home with you.


abolt said...

Looks like fun was had by all. Love the pictures and the updates!

Julz said...

I love the granny fanny I about died laughing when you pointed it out. Looks like you are keeping busy. I wish I had some duckies to feed, how fun. luv ya sis, hope you are doing well.